Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Gee Whiz Coffee Company - 1925 5th Avenue

Rainy said, God, I'm tired.
The same tired I feel each year
because you make me birth children
you turn into lawn chairs.

She continued, God, I'm tired
of your contractors feeding me fertility drugs
the same time each year
to make me birth children
you turn into lawn chairs.

She paused, looked south, and in a louder voice,
God, I'm angry
that your contractors cut me deep
and deeper each year,
rip all that almost grows from under my skin
leave me a cracked and dusty 'has been.'

God, Helen was angry.
She screamed so loud the earth shook.
When it's my turn to scream from the bruises
and scabs you forget, I won't just scream
I'll bleed.

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